Zip=H3c 5k4
Notes=Hey there!
I believe you are the owner of the website Lead.Website ?
Sorry if I come across as too direct, but it’s in my nature (I can’t help it). Anyways…
I was surfing the web searching for something for my best friend's anniversary, and I stumbled upon your website. I have to admit, your website is awesome (visually), but it has some vast problems under the hood that need your attention, and some of them could potentially get you in trouble if not fixed.
Here are a few things that I have noticed just by spending around 45 minutes going through it.
Legal Issues: Unclear/outdated details of user data.
Because you collect users' contact information ( Name, Emails, phone number…) for quotes or estimates, you should state on your website how these data would be used and what for. But looking at the pages of your website, like Terms of conditions, Privacy Policy, Terms of use, and Cookies, are very unclear, and some are just missing. This could get your business fined or penalized if an unhappy customer decides to ruin your business.
Websites Issues:
Some pages are extremely slow to load and can’t even be displayed in other browsers like Opera and Edge. Images aren’t optimized to load faster. Some links are broken, and your meta description isn’t showing on google when I searched for your business.
Not sure what’s your marketing strategy or how you acquire customers, but you’re missing out on many customers without tracking metrics tools on your websites. These tools will help you know more about your visitors and how you target them properly via google search, Facebook ads, or any other platform. You miss out on videos which are a core asset for visual customers.
After running multiple tests on your site looks like you don’t have a daily or weekly backup of your entire website, which means if something happens to your site, it will be gone forever, and you will have to start from scratch again.
These are just 10% of the issues I found, there’s more. I couldn’t just list them all here in this email. Please respond to this email by texting me at this number +1 760–498-1335
and I’ll send you a full website audit for FREE. This audit will help you discover all the problems that your business has online and what is keeping you from ranking compared to your competitor. I’d be glad to assist you.
I’m looking forward to your response.
Cordially Cyri
==cat==1800DUILaws==type=====jason====={"Request": {"Key": "5b8e11e31b73b5463a3b160c1ccc82566c8b64c59897309291fee4a7d487dcbe","API_Action": "pingPostLead","Format": "json","Return_Best_Price": " 0","Mode": "full","Lead_ID": " ","TYPE": "19","Landing_Page": "","SRC": "1800DUILaws","IP_Address": "","First_Name": "Sherita","Last_Name": "Tejeda","Email": "","Primary_Phone": "5149783985","State": "LA","Zip": "H3c 5k4","Currently_Represented": "Yes","Notes": "Hey there!
I believe you are the owner of the website Lead.Website ?
Sorry if I come across as too direct, but it’s in my nature (I can’t help it). Anyways…
I was surfing the web searching for something for my best friend's anniversary, and I stumbled upon your website. I have to admit, your website is awesome (visually), but it has some vast problems under the hood that need your attention, and some of them could potentially get you in trouble if not fixed.
Here are a few things that I have noticed just by spending around 45 minutes going through it.
Legal Issues: Unclear/outdated details of user data.
Because you collect users' contact information ( Name, Emails, phone number…) for quotes or estimates, you should state on your website how these data would be used and what for. But looking at the pages of your website, like Terms of conditions, Privacy Policy, Terms of use, and Cookies, are very unclear, and some are just missing. This could get your business fined or penalized if an unhappy customer decides to ruin your business.
Websites Issues:
Some pages are extremely slow to load and can’t even be displayed in other browsers like Opera and Edge. Images aren’t optimized to load faster. Some links are broken, and your meta description isn’t showing on google when I searched for your business.
Not sure what’s your marketing strategy or how you acquire customers, but you’re missing out on many customers without tracking metrics tools on your websites. These tools will help you know more about your visitors and how you target them properly via google search, Facebook ads, or any other platform. You miss out on videos which are a core asset for visual customers.
After running multiple tests on your site looks like you don’t have a daily or weekly backup of your entire website, which means if something happens to your site, it will be gone forever, and you will have to start from scratch again.
These are just 10% of the issues I found, there’s more. I couldn’t just list them all here in this email. Please respond to this email by texting me at this number +1 760–498-1335
and I’ll send you a full website audit for FREE. This audit will help you discover all the problems that your business has online and what is keeping you from ranking compared to your competitor. I’d be glad to assist you.
I’m looking forward to your response.
Cordially Cyri","DUI_Date": "12/24/2022","Pled_Guilty": "Yes","Were_you_arrested_for_drunk_driving": "Yes"}}====result===={"response":{"errors":{"error":"JSON error: Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded"}}}==========post=======price===0